Your Trusted Source for Ranch Sorting Horses

A green and white cross stitch pattern with two snowflakes.

The 2024 Buckle Series is in full swing with three sorts under our belt.  The next sort will be on Sunday,  July 14th starting at 10:00.   We will run the One Man, the Open and a #9.  If there are enough Youth and/or new sorters we will gladly run a division for them.  This year we will remain at 60% payback in the One Man and the Open Divisions with a $40 per ride entry fee. The #9 and #6 will be a $35 entry fee with a 50% payback. With the high cost of cattle we are forced to implement a cattle fee at each sorting of $25 per person. There is just no other way to put on these events.

We will be changing the sort on Saturday August 31st to also include a BBQ for customer appreciation day!  We will run an all draw sort at 4:00 and after the sort is done, hp will supply burgers & hot dogs in the backyard.  Please bring a side dish and a lawn chair.  It will help if you notify Heidi of your side so we end up with a variety of items.   The sort will be 5 draws for $150 and a $15 cattle fee per person.

hp Sorting does use Arena Sort software to a small degree. We Do Not utilize it's numbering system or it's suggestions, we do Not Use their payout or the cattle numbers. It also does Not have a One Man Sort software so we improvise a system that works. We can gladly announce the amount of payouts or write down for you if you are tracking the earnings on your horse, etc.

Heidi also does regular sorting practices, private lessons, and sells quality Ranch Sorting horses with references available. Horse boarding is also available whether you need a place for a few nights or a few years. Our arena is good to ride in almost every day of the year. Our sorting pens are good the majority of the year as well. We have plenty of trailer parking room and living quarters hook-ups are available as well as horse stall rentals.

A green and white cross stitch pattern with two snowflakes.

“If we ever forget that we’re one nation under God, then we will be one nation gone under.”    Ronald Reagan

Sorting Q & A

We run 2-3 different classes at our sortings so everyone competes against competitors with similar abilities.  We use a 1 through a 6 number system with most new sorters being rated a 1 or a 2.  Once the series starts we will not raise anyone’s rating until the following season.  Individuals are rated on their riding ability, ability to read a cow, horse’s ability, etc.  All classes have a 60 second clock including the one man Sort.  We will again run a 4 ride limit in each class at most events.  We will again run pick & draw in which if you pick a team you are automatically entered to draw a team.   We will again rotate the schedule to have sorts on Saturday and Sunday in an attempt to let everyone participate.  The Mountain States Ranch Rodeo sort will be on a Friday and Saturday so save the dates now.  This event will be a Pre-Enter Event.

We do Not have a dress code for the sortings held at our place.  However, we do enforce a dress code at the Mountain States Ranch Rodeo Sorting.  Competitors must wear a Western Shirt, short or long sleeved and either a Western Cowboy Hat or No Hat.

You can ride as many horses as you like whether at a practice or at a competition.  Cost of sorting practices or lessons is $35 per person, per hour.  Cost increased this year by $5 as the cost of hay has significantly gone up and with our current drought things aren’t looking to good.   Heidi is available almost every day for a private or group lesson.  We do not rent or lease horses for practice or competitions.

The Ranch Rodeo Sorting is a 3 Man/2 Gate instead of the 2 Man Sortings we normally do at this time. The reason for this is we have a limited amount of time to set up and run the event as we have to be done in the arena so the rodeo can start that night at 7:00 p.m. With running 3 people at a time instead of 2 the event goes much faster. It's also a fun event! We are looking at also doing some 4 or 5 man Arena Sorts this summer.

“If we lose Freedom here, there is no place to escape to.  This is the last stand on earth.”
Ronald Reagan

A green and white cross stitch pattern with two snowflakes.

hp Cattle & Horses

Matt & Heidi Hill

59751 West Miami

Montrose, CO 81403

(970) 596-7049

[email protected]