Upcoming Events

All of the events listed below are at our place unless specified otherwise. Schedule is subject to change due to weather, etc.  In order to be eligible for the year-end Series Awards you must compete at 5 of the 6 events listed. All of the buckle series sorts will have a One Man, an Open, a #9 and a #6 Sort.

The One Man and the Open Division will be $40 per ride and the #9 and #6 will be $35 per ride. The Ranch Rodeo Sort will be determined as we go through the season.

April 5th hp Summer Series Ranch Sorting 10:00
April 27th hp Summer Series Ranch Sorting 08:30
May 3rd hp Summer Series Ranch Sorting 08:30
May 18 Ranch Sorting Jackpot Montrose 9:00
June 14 hp Summer Series Ranch Sorting
July 13th
August 2nd 2nd Annual Matt Hill Memorial Sort and BBQ
August 24th hp Summer Series Ranch Sorting
September 17-20th Mountain States Ranch Rodeo and hp Ranch Sorting
September 23-27th Colorado Pro Rodeo Finals Montrose Event Center
November 13-16th Working Cowboys Ranch Rodeo Finals Amarillo, TX
Jessica Hoyt
One Man Sort Standings: George H $423, Jessica Hoyt $308, Mike P $224,